As you can see, the entrepreneur is positioned at the core of the figure, since stimulation of entrepreneurial action is the mains focus of entrepreneurial ecosystems. The geographic dimension is divided into four context levels: local, regional, national, and global. For each level, the figure highlights the main actors and activities expected to be present in an entrepreneurial ecosystem. Finally, the outcome of an entrepreneurial ecosystem is productive entrepreneurship that results in wealth generation leading to sustainable development.
The other day, I asked myself a question: if I had to design a short introductory course about EE, what papers would I choose from the set I have accumulated in this period of studies?
My first idea was to search at Web of Science applying the same criterium that I have adopted for my previous searches. This resulted in 485 papers. Then, I used the function “Highly Cited Papers” and the search indicated 19 papers. From this list, I tried to group the papers in clusters of topics and managed to create six groups of three papers, excluding just one of the 19 papers. While doing so, however, I noticed that the six topics would not be enough for the scope of a short but comprehensive introductory course about EEs. Then, I made a final step: I thought about what was missing in my opinion and searched in my EE readings file, those that I believed would complete the list on the missing topics. The result is outlined below, with 9 topics, including one with three papers about EEs in Brazil. Of course, you can use this list as reading guide for your initial approach to EEs or it can be useful, I hope, for you to offer an EEs course at master or doctoral level. Good luck!
1. An introduction to entrepreneurial ecosystems:
Spigel, B.; Harrison, R. Towards a process theory of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, v. 12, n. 1, p. 151-168, 2018.
Stam, E. Entrepreneurial ecosystems and regional policy: a sympathetic critique. European Planning Studies, v. 23, n. 9, p. 1759-1769, 2015.
Stam, E.; Van de Ven, A. Entrepreneurial ecosystem elements. Small Business Economics, v. 56, n. 2, p. 809-832, 2021.
2. Pioneering contributions
Cohen, B. Sustainable valley entrepreneurial ecosystems. Business Strategy and the Environment, v. 15, n. 1, p. 1–14, 2006.
Isenberg, D. J. How to start an entrepreneurial Revolution. Harvard Business Review, 88, p. 41-49, 2010.
Van de Ven, A. The development of an infrastructure for entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, v. 8, n. 3, p. 21 l-230, 1993.
3. Entrepreneurial ecosystems' emergence and dynamics
Mack, E.; Mayer, H. The evolutionary dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Urban Studies, v. 53, n. 10, p. 2118–2133, 2016
Roundy, P. T.; Bradshaw, M.; Brockman, B. K. The emergence of entrepreneurial ecosystems: A complex adaptive systems approach. Journal of Business Research, v. 86, p. 1-10, 2018.
Spigel, B. The relational organization of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, v. 41, n. 1, p. 49-72, 2017.
4. Revisiting the concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems
Brown, R.; Mason, C. Looking inside the spiky bits: a critical review and conceptualisation of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Small Business Economics, v. 49, n. 1, p. 11-30, 2017.
Malecki, E. J. Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Geography Compass, v.12, n. 3, p. 1-21, 2018.
Volkmann, C., Fichter, K., Klofsten, M., Audretsch, D. B., 2021. Sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems: an emerging field of research. Small Business Economic, 56(3), 1047-1055. DOI: 10.1007/s11187-019-00253-7
5. Space scales and consequences of entrepreneurial ecosystems
Acs, Z. J.; Stam, E.; Audretsch, D. V.; O’connor, A. The lineages of the entrepreneurial ecosystem approach. Small Business Economics, v. 49, n. 1, p. 1-10, 2017.
Audretsch, D. B.; Belitski, M. Entrepreneurial ecosystems in cities: establishing the framework conditions. The Journal of Technology Transfer, v. 42, n. 5, p. 1030-1051, 2017.
Audretsch, D. B.; Cunningham, J. A.; Kuratko, D. F.; Lehmann, E. E.; Menter, M. Entrepreneurial ecosystems: economic, technological, and societal impacts. The Journal of Technology Transfer, v. 44, n. 2, p. 313-325, 2019.
6. Entrepreneurial ecosystems and the digital world
Autio, E.; Nambisan, S.; Thomas, L. D. W.; Wright, M. Digital affordances, spatial affordances, and the genesis of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, v. 12, n. 1, p. 72-95, 2018.
Song, A. K. The Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem - a critique and reconfiguration. Small Business Economics, v, 53, n. 3, p. 569-590, 2019.
Sussan, F.; Acs, Z. J. The digital entrepreneurial ecosystem. Small Business Economics, v. 49, n. 1, p. 55-73, 2017.
7. Research on entrepreneurial ecosystems
Alvedalen, J.; Boschma, R. A. critical review of entrepreneurial ecosystems research: towards a future research agenda. European Planning Studies, v. 25, n. 6, p. 887–903, 2017.
Cavallo, A.; Ghezzi, A.; Balocco, R. Entrepreneurial ecosystem research: present debates and future directions. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, v. 15, n. 4, p. 1291-1321, 2019.
Wurth, B.; Stam, E.; Spigel, B. Toward an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Research Program. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2022.
8. Entrepreneurial ecosystems and public policy
Brown, R.; Mawson, S. Entrepreneurial ecosystems and public policy in action: a critique of the latest industrial policy blockbuster. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, v. 12, n. 3, p. 347-368, 2019.
Dionisio, E. A.; Inácio Júnior, E.; Fischer, B. B. Country-level efficiency and the index of dynamic entrepreneurship: contributions from an efficiency approach. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, v. 162, p. 1-13, 2021.
Foss, L.; Henry, C.; Ahk, H.; Mikalsen, G. H. Women’s entrepreneurship policy research: a 30-year review of the evidence. Small Business Economics, v. 53, n. 2, p. 409-429, 2019.
9. A pinch of Brazilian taste
Fischer, B. B.; Queiroz, S.; Vonortas, N. S. On the location of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship in developing countries: lessons from São Paulo, Brazil, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, v. 30, n. 5-6, p. 612-638, 2018.
Inácio Júnior, E.; Autio, E.; Morini, C.; Gimenez, F. A. P.; Dionisio, E. A. Analysis of the Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem. Desenvolvimento em Questão, n. 37, p. 5-36, 2016.
La Rovere, R. L; Santos, G. de O.; Vasconcellos, B. L. X. Challenges for the measurement of innovation ecosystems and entrepreneurial ecosystems in Brazil. Revista de Empreendedorismo e Gestão de Pequenas Empresas, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-10, 2021.